Dial-A-Dealer - Home & Corporate Poker

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

March ended up beign pretty decent overall, didnt play that many hands but ran ok and had some nice sessions. Dropping 5k us on the last day wasnt ideal but w/e we can log it as a metasession. Alltold it was a good month and i fixed some smaller leaks and was a bit more player dependant with some of the line i took.

With regards to the uk pokerfarm, we are about to go massive. I mean huge. Once the pokerden airs (i believe sam trickett and possibly the anti-hero fullflush will be wearing our logo's) we will launch the website and forum and hopefully be inundated with applications from guys that want to be part of a seriously buzzing poker office and syndicate. should be pretty sweet. anyways, for the purposes of a record and some minor self pat on back ill record my results for this year in all their honesty on this blog. With a little luck we can run like the sun for 2010. Havent got round to formatting hem yet so these results are in euro's.

also massive congratulations to mr James Mitchell for shipping the IO, great result for a great guy that needed a break and has one of the best tournament games in the uk. well done son. Also well done rob sherwood on a great final and shipping the sole survivor, prolly one of the most established and successful online pro's around. grats, mbsfn.


Anonymous Danny said...

Looking forward to seeing the new website and forum. When do you expect a launch?

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Alex,

I have something interesting for you. Please write me to this email info@mallorcapokertour.com


2:21 PM  

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